If you stop doing something for two years, I found out last night that chances are you'll forget quite a bit of the knowledge that used to be second nature.
The basic framework of lindy hop is still ingrained in my head but I couldn't do any actual "moves" for the life of me. I felt like a complete novice; it was embarrassing.
Matt, however, is amazing. He's only been dancing for a year and a half but I swear, boy got some good stuff. I kept telling him beforehand not to expect too much from me and he was very nice about my repeated flubs. I did, however, biff it hardcore early on, falling flat on my knees (I blame my Target shoes for having no traction) and even I had to laugh at myself.
It was interesting to see a handful of faces I knew from seven or eight years ago. Henry was this tiny little guy that made every girl he danced with feel like a pro and it was wonderful to see him again. He watched the entire situation with Larry unfold (and self-destruct), so he knows all about my history.
Matt made a comment about how good I could be now had I stuck with it back then; that was a bit bittersweet to think about. I didn't quit because I stopped liking it and I've missed it the entire time I've been away. I may have been a complete flop on the floor but it was still the best night I've had in weeks and exactly what I needed.
I'd love to keep this up. If I can find a way to scrape together the money, I'm definitely going to try.
Last night was a good night.
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