Matt attempted to teach me how to longboard last night. Aside from being ridiculously hot (even though the sun was setting) and embarrassing (I fell on my ass pretty early on), it actually wasn't unenjoyable. Once I got the hang of it, it was fun.
I, however, still have the most hyperactive sweat glands this side of the Mississip'. Longboarding isn't that active (compared to, say, the 1200 meter dash or bailing hay) but I still got drenched being out in the setting sun. I'm so glad I took a shower BEFORE hand.
After that we watched "The Prestige," along with one of his roommates, Joe. I knew there was a pretty big twist at the end but I had managed to remain unspoiled. It was... not what I was expecting. Good, but definitely weirder than I had anticipated.
Matt & co. have what is probably the sweetest home theater set-up possible without shelling out the cash to actually build one. They have a ceiling-mounted projection system hooked up in their entryroom and then they put up an 120" screen. But that's not all - they built a large "step" to hold two futons, giving them stadium seating. Add some awesome surround sound and it's quite possibly every twenty-something bachelor's wet dream.
It made me think of Steve/Jeff/Eric's setup all those years ago and the Sunday nights we used to spend holed up in their back room watching Momento or Finding Nemo. It's mind-boggling to think how many are now married and the bachelor pad is no more. In all honesty, those were some of the funnest times in my life. Barbequing after church, the home-made fire pit, that stray puppy, "Tangerine Speedo", editing movies until really late at night...
I don't talk to them much anymore (with the exception of a few). I can't say it makes me particularly sad to realize that we've all moved on in our own ways; perhaps because it wasn't fueled by anger, just a simple fact of life. I'm not the same person I was back then and I'm sure none of them are either.
Odd that the people I should have no reason to be connected to are the ones I am closest to nowadays. I don't think I ever said more than a few sentences to Chris & Caroline but now she and I go shopping and to dinner every few months. Joel was just a buddy to trade jokes with and now we chat all the time over AIM during work. And Jeff... well, I didn't know I could be actual friends with an ex.
No real reason for the trip down memory lane. Hope you all didn't mind the detour.
I don't talk to you anymore. Cow.
It hasn't been that long! Besides, aren't you busy building igloos, killing seals and riding your dog-sled?
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