So, I have some pretty effing amazing friends and they've shown themselves to be made of friggin' gold these past few months. My appreciation, respect and humble gratitude know no bounds right now; no words could ever accurately express the depths of my affection. It's disgusting.
I don't tell you - any of you - often enough how much I love you and what you bring to my life.
So here goes!
Amy: You are, without a doubt, the one person who knows everything that goes on in my life almost as soon as it happens (or as soon as I can type it out into AIM). You've never judged me but you've also never been afraid to smack me upside the head and tell me when I'm being an idiot. We have more inside jokes than the rest of my friends combined. You share my passion for Christ-like love above "churchiness". If I were gay, I'd tap that.
Stef: Whenever I think about the kind of relationship I want to have with my husband, you and Bryan are the first couple I think of. We're both incredibly immature but you manage to have a very wise outlook in your all of your relationships. There's no one else I'd rather discuss books with.
Kat: It's so tempting to write something bitchy and sarcastic about you here because you'll follow and add to it no matter how ridiculous it gets. Our friendship has seen more trials than any other in my life and I will always praise God that we didn't give up. I cling to and cherish our relationship all the more because of how hard we fought to keep it. I can't imagine letting go of you for any reason other than death; and even that's only temporary.
Drew: No one has ever challenged me the way you did and continue to do. I learned to take risks with my heart; I learned that "stepping outside my comfort zone" doesn't always equate to being "uncomfortable"; I learned I can survive a 6-hour plane ride if what awaits me at the end is worth it (and if I have plenty of drugs). You told me, months ago, that I was stronger than I gave myself credit for. Well, because of you I now believe it. :)
Tori: How the hell did our friendship survive high school?! I can't believe how much you've changed and grown. I remember thinking we'd never grow up; mature as adults. You proved me wrong. I'm so proud of you.
Caroline: Our friendship is such a pleasant surprise to me, even now, 3 years later. I hardly talked to you when I was with Jeff and yet you're the only one I keep in touch with. I - without fail - always wind up in tears of hysterical laughter whenever we get together. That means more to me than I can express.
Ashley: Watching you come to Christ remains one of the most humbling and inspiring moments in my life. I can remember being envious of your seemingly unflappable confidence and your incredible intelligence when we first met. That I could admire you even more today still blows me away. Hearing about you faithfully following your dreams gives me hope.
Heather: We have such an unlikely (but contemporary!) story as our foundation. I just went back and read your emails from a couple years ago and the faith that shines from your words strikes me still today. I don't think I've appreciated your friendship as much as I should; I wish I'd realized that sooner. I'll miss you but I'm excited for you and David.
Liz: I can't think of anyone else in the world that I love as unconditionally as I do you. For one so young, you're so. effing. STRONG. When I feel weak enough to break, I think of you and realize that God made us of more durable stuff than I ever knew.
Melanie: Has it really only been since January that we've known each other? You - like Liz - blow me away with your maturity. Listening to you explain your devotion and passion for Christ makes my heart soar. I wish I had been as open to Him at your age; heck, I wish I was as open to Him now! Did you know you've been an answer to pray more than once?
Steve: It's been 8 years and still we've yet to really have a serious conversation. I feel priveleged to have been able to watch your faith blossom even from a distance. Our random conversations at work always make me smile. Your NBA team cheats.
Mel: Adorable, adorable, ADORABLE. Always positive, no matter what. I watched you during some really hard times in the past few years and to see the amazing, independent, strong and yet still compassionate woman you've become makes my heart swell. I am so happy for you.
Jeff: Being able to call you "my friend" makes me indescribably happy. You are the biggest goofball I've ever encountered but you hide an incredible depth and intelligence that a lot of people will (sadly) miss. I read your blogs and you blow me away... you were never that eloquent when we were together! Smart and thoughtful, yes - always. But you've honed a very beautiful skill in expressing yourself so honestly. I'm jealous.
Megs: Somehow, we always manage to be going through frighteningly similar situations in life. I'm grateful to have an ear and a heart that understands what I'm going through, sometimes all too well. Your romantic soul speaks in ways and about things that I thought I was alone in. Seeing you giddy makes me giddy.
... I'm sure there are more. But these are the ones that have been around consistently, time after time. Thank you all for putting up with me all these years. I'm undeserving of your presence in my life and each one of you is irrefutable evidence that God is real and He is good.
I love you.
(Tomorrow I'll be obnoxious again, guys. I promise.)
Love you, my partner in hotness.
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