Look'it mah her!

Alright, so I'm awfully proud of myself. I've never been good at working with my hair when it's long but now that I've decided to stick with it for the time being (READ: I don't have the money to be a snob and go to my normal salon, Rolf's), I'm trying to be more adventurous.

It's no secret that I heart the Gwen Stefani faux hawk. But previously on "michelle likes pie," I've been unable to mold my coif into anything other than the crazy bouffant with a short ponytail.

Well, no more!

I've been experimenting and while I'm going to make some modifications, I think I've been pretty creative and fun...

The front; it leans slightly to the left because I was in a rush this morning...

The side; I'm looking forward to the tail getting longer

...and behold, the top:

Yeah yeah, it's not perfected and I'm gonna work with it, but it STAYS and it's DIFFERENT and I'm lucky I'm short because people will actually SEE it!

Oh, it's the little things in life....


a c said...

Color me impressed!

Anonymous said...

^_^ That looks freakin' AWESOME. I'm so proud of you learning things.

Note that I've taken both meds for my migraines tonight....I'm uh, very happy. :D