I refuse to get my hopes up...

...But I had a fantastic weekend.

We hit up Kat's Korner Saturday night and I ran into Henry, who's been in the scene for 10 years (he remembered Larry and I being together) and has helped found several performance troupes, teach classes and keep swing alive in the Valley.

And he asked me to be his partner.

He is one of the two leads I would say were my favorite to dance with, the other being Steve Conrad, my first teacher. Both are capable of dancing at any level and no matter who you are or how many times you screw up, they always make you feel like the best dancer on the floor. Henry is a brilliant dancer and I could have barfed sparkles just to be asked by him. I told him he made my weekend whether he followed up with the inquiry or not.

The next afternoon, however, he called and we discussed schedules for an hour.

...From the looks of it, after several years of earnestly attempting to get back into the swing scene, I might have found my in.

None of you have any idea how happy this'll make me if it works out.


a c said...


You think about dancing almost as much as I think about chocolate! I'm so excited for you!

(Can't you tell?! I'm using copious amounts of exclamation marks!!!!)