
A month later and the changes are numerous... and odd.

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 119 lbs

Body Fat: 17.8%

Biceps: 11" (R); 11" (L)

Thighs: 19.25" (R); 19.5" (L)

Calves: 14.5" (R); 14.5" (L)

Hips: 36.5"

Waist: 25.5"

Bust: 29.5"

After several discussions with my trainer, John, about the best route to take to tone and firm up, I've seriously increased the intensity of the strength training I do on my own and he, in turn, has kicked up the boxing as well. I have doubled the focus on each muscle - previously, I was doing three sets of 15, focusing on one exercise for each muscle. Now I'm doing two for each muscle, meaning I'm getting six sets of 15 a piece, two different exercises. I'm trying to switch it up and do one machine and one free weight, because there are benefits to both. That's not so much fun when I'm working the lower body because I effing hate lunges but they are much more effective than the curling or leg press machines.

I know that some of the increase in poundage/size of the above from last month is, in part, from focusing more on weight training and less on cardio. However, it's discouraging to notice little things, like some of my pants not fitting the same. But this is the reason why I'm recording the details - because I want an accurate assesment so I can adapt and make changes as needed. This past month I did not change my diet in any positive ways and, in fact, did quite the opposite. In the 30+ days since I initially posted, I've become addicted to the blended Frosties at Wendy's and it's not an exaggeration to say I've probably had at least one a day the entire month of October. If you consider that at least twice a week I over-indulged on other things along with the Frosty, it's only going to harm my attempts. So while I don't think I've done any large or irreparable damage, I'm conscience of the reality and have made adjustments accordingly.

This past week, on John's insistance, I majorly decreased my carb intake and increased my protein. AND I've only had one Frosty the entire time, which is a triumph I am proud of. For the first time it hasn't been terribly difficult either and I chalk that up to the fact that I have seen the results and I don't want to jeopordize my progress.

One month down!