A poll

My hair is currently the longest it's been since senior year of high school. For the past eight years it's really never been below my chin, although I always attempted the feat - my impatience just got the better of me. Like, nineteen times.

I've been stingy with the money lately since I'm letting it grow and haven't gotten it trimmed since February. This annoys my mother (who gets hers done ever four weeks) so she's paying for me to get it cut and colored for my birthday the beginning of August.

So I have a decision to make. Let it keep growing or just chop it off?

Initially I just wanted the ability to pull it back in a ponytail without a bazillion and five bobby pins. Well, mission accomplished. But now I wouldn't mind something several inches past my shoulders where I can do waves and curls and crap that I haven't been able to accomplish as a pageboy.

The problem is now that I can put it in a ponytail, that's where it lives. I get lazy. Sure I could do waves and curls and crap, but will I? Not likely and certainly not on a regular, daily basis. I already get up at 5:30a; waves would require another hour and I'm just not that dedicated.

I'm not one of the nuts who gets emotionally attached to her hair. It grows back, after all. It may take awhile, but given enough time it'll get there. So a drastic change won't make me hyperventilate.

That being said, please help me decide. Consider this a democracy, keeping in mind I do get the right to veto any blatantly stupid opinions.

This is what I've kinda been aiming for the past nine months:

And this is what I'm thinking of, come August:

Maybe something in between? Another bob?

Vanilla Ice flat-top? Dreads? What?