I haven't done much shopping the past four or five months because of the money situation, but with the cash that my parents forked over for my aforementioned birfday, a $120 dress recently came into my possession for a mere $22. It's poop-brown, adorable and I'm wearing it now. Spending disgusting gobs of cash on a piece of fabric is for suckers; you do not go shopping with me unless you mean it.
In addition I finally bought a pair of jeans that genuinely fit me (...at least I hope). The last two I purchased are great as soon as I get them from the dryer... then they expand. The crotch hangs halfway down to my knees, the butt sags and I look just generally dumpy. I've been stubborn, refusing to go down a size simply on principle. I swallowed my tongue when I bought a dress from the Limited that was a size 0; Target's current smallest size (2) is too big for my waste... but I absolutely can not swallow the idea that I fit into a size 1 jean. It's just not possible.
I could name you at least half a dozen other girls (my age) that have smaller hips, tinier butts and thinner arms... so if I have this much trouble, where in God's name do they shop? Yeah, I've lost 30 pounds and I'm a heckuva lot lighter than I was this time last year but I am not a stick. I promise you, I can still grab a nice handful of fat on my thighs.
Still, I'm running out of clothes that fit (well) and getting sick of feeling frumpy and dowdy in the ones that don't. So I broke down and bought a pair of low-rise, stretch skinny jeans... in a size 1*.
And in "News Less Likely To Cause Hissy Fits," I have 13 people confirmed for tonight and three more waiting in queue. I've always been atrocious at organizing group get-togethers, so the fact that this one seems to be going alright excites me greatly.
I'm all a-tingle. But that could be the migraine medication.
* - and I SWEAR that if anyone leaves a comment whining about how they don't want to hear the "skinny bitch" complain, I will punch SOMEONE in the throat.
Um, can we pick who you punch? Because Spencer and Heidi could use a good fist-to-throat and I know you have a helluva right hook. That would be the only reason I would complain, as I think you look great and have worked hard to get there. I, on the other hand, well...see previous comment about my breakfast. :-)
I agree. I'll even egg someone on so that they insult me just so I can find Speidi (my new name for Spencer/Heidi) and give their necks a good a'pummelin.
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