There are very few things...

...that I wouldn't do to look as good now as Cindy Crawford does at age forty-effing-two.

(Stolen from the annoying, repetitive, immature and classless good bloggers at The Superficial, here)

Steal a kitten?

Steal a kitten from a child?

Steal a kitten from a child with a debilitating disorder?

Steal a kitten from a child with a debilitating disorder who only has 9 months left to live?

Steal a kitten from a child with a debilitating disorder who only has 9 months left to live, then hold it for ransom?

Steal a kitten from a child with a debilitating disorder who only has 9 months left to live, then hold it for ransom and send it back piece by piece?

Eat live cockroaches?
....Um, probably not, no.


a c said...

I just had 4 pieces of pizza for breakfast. I'm gonna guess that's not what Cindy eats. Oh, and have you seen Helen Mirren in a bikini?!!? Check out and look her up on the bottom left. (your comments wouldn't let me post a link) You might even eat live cockroaches.

michelle said...

After you emailed me yesterday about GFY, I spent most of the night going through their archives.

Yeah, Helen Mirren is obviously bathing in the blood of virgins and sacrificing babies, because you do not look that way at that age. Mother Nature is not merciful and she demands payment... in babies and virgins.