Random life update

It took a week, but Henry and I are finally going dancing tonight. This week is chock(chalk? I never know which one)-full of busy goodness. I have boxing tomorrow evening (first time in probably three months, so I anticipate a lot of post-workout whining due to soreness), dancing with The Jive Aces on Tuesday, boxing and My Girls on Wednesday, dancing at the Wrigley Mansion on Thursday, boxing Friday... and then hopefully a chance to watch the three netflix movies that have just been SITTING in my room. I should be barely able to move by this time next week. Wee!


The book that's been on a (very) slow boil in the back of my brain for six years has been officially started. If you're reading this there's a good chance I'll be hitting you up for help in some area of the brainstorm and/or editing process.


I really need to stop eating out. I spend more on fast food in a month than I do on gas.

(Thank you, Wells Fargo's "Enhanced Spending Report," for making me feel like a douche.)


My myspace has FINALLY been officially deactivated. Or it will be in 48 hours. I don't know what happened before but I'm not a filthy liar. I did what they told me to... it just didn't work.


My photos were primarily kept on either facebook and/or myspace and now that those accounts are both defunct, I'm migrating all my pictures to my Picasa account. I just added some stuff, so feel free to check those out.


I have more to say, it just warrants an entirely new post sooo....