Leah, a local magazine rep, comes to call on our director of conference services every few weeks or so. Back in July she dropped by when I happened to have my
She crossed my mind this morning and I wondered, fleetingly, when she'd be back. Part of me thinks I shouldn't be surprised she showed up a few hours later but it still put a shocked smile on my face. When I asked how she was doing, she said she was on another fast (day 7, so far) and then opened up quietly about the things she was struggling with which, coincidentally (...or not, because God was surely at the helm), were alarmingly similar to my own current issues.
Cass arrived then and they discussed marketing events while I resumed work. A few minutes later they said their good-byes and Leah turned to leave, saying she'd be praying; I promised to do the same.
Just as she was about to step out the door though, she back-tracked, reached for my hand and asked if we could lift it up right then. And with all of my co-workers oblivious to the unplanned restoration taking place, we prayed.
I don't know if this is common among other faiths but I am so grateful for the unspoken connection that bonds the body of Christ. Sustenance and grace turn up in the most unexpected places because of it.
I used to work at Walmart. One day I was picking up underware that pushed off the racks...when a women came up to me and said "would it be ok if I prayed with. I'm a Christian. God is prompting me to pray with you." So there we stood in Walmarts underwear section praying. She had no clue that I just found out I was pregos (and not married). It was awesome. God is awesome!
About a month ago I'd been angsting over my friend Drew and it suddenly just hit me to pray - so I got on the floor of our computer room and did as He asked. I got a text message from him a couple hours later saying things had gone down the crapper on his end. I cried when I realized exactly what had happened.
Yaknow, sometimes I forget how big of a God we serve.
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