Yes, I did

For those of you wondering:

Yes, I did delete my facebook and myspace. It wasn't a defriending and it wasn't for any one specific reason.

For one thing, work has limited our internet access (long story) and I was spending way too much time on both networks. For another, they were more known for bringing drama than avoiding it, at least in my life. I'd toyed with the idea for awhile but justified keeping my accounts because I wanted to stay in touch with certain people. In reality, pretty much everyone I am close to or would like to talk to on a regular basis has other ways to touch base. And I began to believe that, at least for me, myspace/facebook became a cop-out. Rather than call someone or even send an email trying to catch up, I'd leave them a wall post or a comment. In response, I'd get a wall post or a comment back... where's the intimacy or connection in that?

What makes me sad is the knowledge that, in all likelihood, this will mark the end of my contact with a few. Not that it won't be partly my fault - friendships are two way streets after all. But I, personally, have begun to rely too heavily on them and "taking the easy way out," so to speak. If I want to know how Kat or Steve or Caroline are doing, I should just talk to them; and vice versa. And next time I get that inkling, I'll pick up the phone or write an email or ask them to lunch.

I'm keeping this blog and my lj (which is basically a semi-private blog for emotional barfing) so you can contact me on either. Most of you have my number or email addy - and if you don't, feel free to ask. I'm not shy and if you're reading this often enough I can make time for you.

I may be back; I don't know. I pray that anyone who kept in touch with me through either of those sites will take the time to stay connected even though that venue is now closed.


Unknown said...

It's funny - I read this and was actually upset at it. But, then I realized that we don't even really correspond on those sites much. It's just comforting knowing you're there. But, I can just as easily be obnoxious with you over IM.

You better not give that up.

Your myspace is still active on my page, by the way.

michelle said...

Yeah, that's because myspace emails a cancellation confirmation to you and you have to authorize it, then it takes up to 48 hours for it to be deleted. And when I signed up I used an old email address that I can't remember the password for, so THAT might be up for a little while.

I'm a genius.

Suarez Cartel said...

Um, now I will only have 70 friends. You made 71. Now I can’t say I have over 70 friends. (jk,… seriously jk)

I feel like we are a missed connection. That sounds dramatic. But, It seems like we are so parallel (Christian, Mt. View, love for youth, shoes, pie, ADD, swing, acting, writing, blogging, learning the hard way, etc) Sounds like you are in a time where you are evaluating your essential friendship and fluffing off the unnecessary or distractions. If you have room, I would still love to do lunch. Here is my other electronic connection-

But what you are saying has a lot of merit. I fear my 6 year old will think the only way to find true love is online. Or she won’t have the communication skills necessary… LOL BRB. Plus women do need intimate relationships... Sadly, too often are simulated by an icon popping up letting you know you have mail. I am a guilty party. I leaves a happy birthday comment posted on a “wall” instead of calling to really wish a blessed birthday. Christ came to earth to be with us and then sent his Holy spirit. As humans we are created to have real connections.