Make A Difference Monday

I'm stealing a really wonderful idea from Air1's morning team, Scott & Kelly, called "Make A Difference Monday".

Last month I made a startling realization during my morning commute. The on-ramp from the west-bound 202 to the north-bound 101 in Mesa is a war zone every AM. It's not uncommon to be cut-off by some impatient driver trying to merge or to watch someone else use the shoulder to bypass the fifteen cars ahead of them. While I'm a (mostly) law-abiding citizen, I get easily annoyed by anyone else in an automobile unfortunate enough to be near me the drivers who insist on screwing others just so they can get two car-lengths farther. My commute is consequently quite stressful.

Then one day I did something so unlike me and so contradictory to my normal "fair play" nature - I stepped on the brake and let the H3 merge in front of me. And it felt great... so I kept doing it all the way to Scottsdale and then again on the way home.

There's a good chance that the driver didn't bat an eyelash or thank GOD for the kindness of strangers from my attempt at politeness. But that's really not the point. The sentiment behind the generosity is diminished if it's only acted upon for the reward it potentially receives.

So my goal is to do something out-of-the-blue for someone(s) every Monday. The catch is that it's got to be an act that has little-to-no potential for identification. Pay for the car behind me in the Wendy's drive-thru; leave an extra $10 on the gas pump after I've filled up; purposely drop a book that I love on a bench; place a candy bar for a coworker on her keyboard before she gets into work... there are a bazillion little things that might make some random stranger's day just a little better.

I want to challenge the people who read this blog regularly (all nine of you) to do something as well. You don't have to tell me or post about it - just think about how it would make you feel to be on the receiving end and do it.

You may not know how much it touches the recipient but I promise that you'll feel better, regardless.
