
That's actually... pretty accurate, ngl.


Suarez Cartel said...

I'm a The Tantric Master. At the end it said "We're a little confused. Because you're deeply depraved and perverted, but still believe in love, romance and all things pretty and shiny." Just cause I enjoy my "married life privileges" doesn't mean I don't like romance. :)

Grey Sea said...

I got The Midas Touch. I've taken this quiz a million times, at all sorts of different points in my life, and that answer never ever changes.

"Everything you touch turns to gold. And it kind of creeps us out. You're completely calculating, but then, you also have a good hear. And are a really nice person. We'd judge, but you keep using your powers for good, not even. And that's totally charming and sweet. Aww, look at you.

You're so bloody nice. It's like, we could curl up on your lap and feel safe. And drink cocoa and solve the world's problems through cuddling. That's your superpower: cuddles."