OCD ego-stroking

I added the handy Feedjit widget (located at the bottom right corner of this page) about a month and a half ago. It's a cute idea.

But now I'm obsessed with the unknown identities of some of my recurring blog patrons. All it tells you is their location (and sometimes that's off by quite a bit) and how they arrived at the site - no real "personal" information, like an IP.

Sometimes I can tell right off who it is by their origin and location (Stef, I know right away who you are and when you visit, which is helpful for future stalking); but there are half a dozen or so that I can't figure out.

Northbrook, IL? Carpentersville, IL? Las Vegas? Manchester, CT? Airdrie, Alberta?

None of these are anywhere near anyone I can think of, but they come regularly and use a direct link. So either I've picked up some unknown admirers (maybe in a prison somewhere) or their location is seriously off.

... don't feel obligated to tell me who you are. It's kinda flattering to think that there are strangers out there who think my life is interesting enough to check-up on; no need to ruin my illusion...


a c said...

Yeah, I'll get random visitors from Ireland or Kentucky or something. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

I travel around the world with my iPhone and look you up. Just to confuse your poor little blonde head.
And also, I give out your blog address, phone number, physical address, work information, social security number, credit card info, and those nude photos you thought I didn't know about to whoever I run across. Seriously. EVERYONE. I had the information compiled and made into handy little booklets. They're very tasteful. I'll send you one.

Julia said...

I've got the Carpentersville, IL one too! It's driving me nuts.

michelle said...

Amy thinks that some of the regular visits are from search engine bots, which I guess could be true. But according to Yahoo, MSN & Google, they don't visit that regularly. So I dunno.

Suarez Cartel said...

Well, I must say, I am exceptionally embarrassed. I am Northbrook, IL. My Internet is provided through Allstate- who is located in Northbrook, IL. Let me explain myself to why I visit your page so often.

In May you posted a blog on Myspace that really registered with me. Then I saw that you had a blog on blogspot. I was really excited to see if you had more posts like that one. Then I decided that I would start a blog too. (Another friend of mine also started a blog at this time so it seemed inspired) I started looking at your page to figure out how this whole blogspot worked. I saw that I could read archives. I thought I was reading undisclosed (emphasis on I thought). So some days I would read your last blog and other days I would read things posted months and months back. I actually started a routine. I would check my myspace, my facebook, my blogspot, my friends blogs, and then see if you posted anything new. Wow, I am now realizing how slow my days at work must be. I never left a comment because I was not personally invited to read your blog. I thought it would be weird if I randomly left a comment. But now I see me randomly reading your blogs was kinda weird.

P.S. I’m not sure how much your tracking thingy tells you, but the days you see I visited twice or thrice it is because I would start to read your blog, but a customer would come in. I would leave your blog. Then I would revisit to pick up where I left off. Plus I told my friends this weekend of my lameness. Now they are curious to see your blog and to see if they show on your tracking gizmo. So, that may explain some more of your unknown location.

P.S.s. I guess I feel the need to explain myself due to the nature of our association. LOL I arbitrarily contacted you on myspace and now I’m stalking you on your blog. I really want you to know that I’m not crazy (or at least not the creepy kind of crazy). But I have really enjoyed your candor and humor. God has given you a wonderful talent.