I HATE POLITICS (except not really)

I make it a policy not to discuss politics with democrats republicans the green party whores your mom (dur hur!) anyone, especially over the internet. Nothing says "ignorance" (well, except the word itself) like trying to boil all your foundational beliefs into a single entry/blog/website that a bazillion and 14 internet patrons will all interpret incorrectly. So rather than incur the wrath of self-important right wing-lesbian-bipolar-transexual-conservative-recycling-senior citizens on medicade, I choose to keep my mouf shut.


My friend Jen does what I consider the best effing commentary each election year and she's already up to her eyeballs in bitchy snark.

"You know what this debate needed? Literal blood on the floor".

I heart this line in particular:

"My tax proposal involves locking all the CEOs in America into a cage and making them fight to the death! Many will enter...one will emerge as my Treasury Secretary!"

There. Politicking done now. Flipping switch back to "Switzerland".


Unknown said...

You discuss it with me! Is that because I talk politics like a pundit on smack?

michelle said...

It's because you're capable of processing information that you disagree with without punching me in the throat.

a c said...

Not related, have I mentioned how much I like your new layout? Because I do. Your second picture looks like you were caught by a camera w/ night vision as you snuck into the kitchen to eat the last piece of pie.