I watch television as a substitute for dating

First it was Mike Rowe.

Then came Tory Belecci.

Next on the "Men Who Are In Danger Of Me Groping Randomly Attempting To Make-out With Them" list:

Josh Gates

He's the host of Destination Truth on the Scifi channel which has become my new favoriteshowofalltimeOMG (well, after Mythbusters [of course]). It's essentially a snarkier, more sarcastic version of those hokey Travel Channel shows about the paranormal. Whether or not their investigations are untainted and hoax-free (Man vs. Wild, anyone?) doesn't matter quite as much if I find myself laughing throughout the 44 minutes.

So far my favorite episode takes place in the forest of Aokigahara, Japan, which has the optimistic epithet "the perfect place to die":

Someone needs to hunt him down and toss him some altoids for me.

Bonus points if he's gift-wrapped.