Happy Meme!

1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.
3. Tag eight four of your friends to do the same.



Day One


I had an extremely good workout today; John is teaching me take-downs. While I'm having trouble keeping them all straight ("Behind-the-knee takedown. GO!" "Where do I shove my shoulder on this one?" "...Well, not in the crotch." "...still effective though, yes?") there is a certain thrill in throwing a middle-aged man down, pinning him to the ground under my knee and punching the ever-loving crap outta him. After training I worked my core for an hour, saw the cute Matt Nathanson look-a-like again (whom I have named 'Nathan,' for what I hope are obvious reasons) and left feeling like me and my impressive pins could conquer the world. At home I had a hot bath and gave myself a pedicure.


Maybe this will inspire me to post a bit more this week. I haven't been able to put in the kind of time that a worthwhile post requires.


Suarez Cartel said...

I tried the gmail. natta. But basically this sat doesn't work for me. :( Are you a morning person? If so, I could do Sat 12/20 @ 10am. Or Mon. 12/15 @ 6. Lemme know. :D